The FAIR showcases many of CMU's 300+ Student Government recognized student organizations, 23 sorority and fraternity organizations, and partners from around campus and the Pittsburgh community. The entire CMU community - undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty - are invited to explore ways to get involved at Carnegie Mellon and beyond.
The FAIR 2024
The FAIR 2024 will be held Wednesday September 4th, 2024 from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on The Cut & near The Fence.
The Winter 2025 FAIR
The Winter 2025 FAIR is tentatively held for Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in Wiegand Gymnasium.
How do I register my organization for the FAIR?
Where will the Fall 2024 & Winter 2025 FAIR be held?
How do we prepare for the FAIR?
The FAIR Logistics
Provisions & Breakdown
You will be provided with a six-foot banquet table and two chairs. Due to possible space constraints, we may ask you to share a table with another organization in your same category. Please indicate your sharing preference on your registration form.
The FAIR ends at 6:30 pm. Please clean-up around your table area and discard any trash to help SLICE staff during their clean-up process after hours.
Check-In & Set-Up
You may start setting up your table at 4:30 pm and you need to be ready by 4:45 pm. If you are a student organization, you were emailed your table number at least 24 hours prior to the FAIR and do not need to check-in at the SLICE table.
You must have a member present at your table by 4:45 pm. If you are not present, your table will be given to an organization on the waitlist.
After the FAIR
Each organization has a unique QR Code on their TartanConnect page that users can scan to automatically join an organization's Member page. Be sure to print this out or have a digital copy on a personal device for your table!
If you choose to use Google Sheets, Excel, or a physical paper sheet to collect contact information, upload all of the email addresses you collected into the Members section of your TartanConnect page to invite individuals to join.
Begin planning your first meeting or information session for interested students and follow up with these students within a week of the FAIR with a personal message to let them know about upcoming events or meetings. The personal outreach will help your organization stand out.